
Every year, the college of the mayor and aldermen of the city of Luxembourg invites local associations to participate in the torchlight procession (“Fakelzuch”) on Thursday, June 22, on the eve of the National Holiday, to celebrate the Grand Duke’s birthday.

Out group participates as well. Register your child/ren at the end of this page.

Paper lantern & torches

It has been decided that our Biber will get a paper lantern and our Wëllefcher & Avex a torch. Please tell your kids in advance.

The scout uniform

As this is an official event, we will wear the full scout uniform (green scout shirt, scout scarf and blue jeans). This is mandatory for Wëllefcher and Avex.

However, our Biber (6-7 years) do not need to buy a uniform as they grow out rather quickly. Some of them got a green t-shirt from us last year with our branding. We will investigate if we can do something similar this year. If not a dark green t-shirt will be ok as well.

The address of the scout shop (Maison Lessure) is:

1, rue Origer 
L-2269 Luxembourg

Opening hours: Monday – Saturday from 10h to 18h

Timetable (might be adjusted):

18h15Scouts dropped off by their parents at the Luxexpo Tram stop.
+/- 18h30Ride with the tram + walk to Scouts of Limpertsberg
(85, avenue Pasteur L-2311 Luxembourg)
19hBarbecue at Scouts of Limpertsberg & walk to the city center
+/- 21h30Start of the “Fakelzuch”
+/- 22h30End of the “Fakelzuch”
Scouts picked up by their parents
